Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dora day

I haven't seen much of Dora in the last couple of weeks because she's been spending so much time sitting on the nest. When she does take a break, it's only for a short period of time, so I was happy to catch her on a couple of breaks in the park today.

As she took off from the nest, I saw a white feather in her eye...

Dora with a feather in her eye

...but not to worry, as it came out when she landed in a tree.


She spent some time stretching her legs...

Dora stretches her leg

Dora stretches her leg

And her wings.

Dora stretches her wing

The squirrels never stop pestering her.


Break time over, it's back to work sitting on and rolling her eggs.


***See the latest hawk next cam photos at Fotoportmann.***

See more hawk phots here and here.

Previous hawk posts.